Friday, June 12, 2009


WOW WOW WOW!!!!!! udah mau pengumuman deg degan banget pasti yaaa ga tenanag banget sebelom tau nem, sampe ga bisa tidur (lebay) tapi ya emang deg deg-an haduh ga sabarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tanggal 20 juni udah tinggal pasrah, berdoa sama menghitung hari aja deh...

Thursday, June 11, 2009


"Friendship... is not something you learn in school. but if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything"
yes i've learned everything and anything from my beloved scarloetta and oldiesdartixx, they tought me from every moment we were together, every incident, and every time we were get something trouble. youre always be there for me everytime and every bad&good moment. thanks to be my adorable friend and you'll be in my heart all forever and everrrrrrr
i ♥ you guyssss!

Get Well Soon!

oh iyaaaaa buat sadukuuuuuuun! maaf yaaaa hari ini saya ga bisa ikut jenguk you diii ampun ya, padahal kangen bgt deh gue sama lo loh di (bohong) hahaha ga denggg :p udah gue titip salam aja ya di sama yang lain terus gue doain dari rumah ko hahahaha cepet sembuh yaaaa didisadukun! kan kalo udah sembuh nanti bisa kaya gini lagi deh di wakakakaka

peace out ya didi! hahaha


hmmm tadi nyokap gue ke sekolah gitu kan, nah di sana tadi di jelasin tentang SMA Negri gitu, yaaa pokonya yang berkaitan dengan SMA Negri deh.
terus di kasih kertas gitu isinya sederet rata rata SMA Negri yang ada di Jakarta Selatan dan ternyata jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng jenggggggggggggggg beberapa sekolah yang gue lirik ternyata lumayan tinggi rata ratanya untuk masuk ke sana haduh haduh liat aja deh nih:

SMAN 28 rata-ratanya 9.17
SMAN 70 rata-ratanya 8.99
SMAN 34 rata-ratanya 8.92
SMAN 82 rata-ratanya 8.39
SMAN 6 rata-ratanya 8.50
(ini rata rata tahun lalu, 2008)

hiyahloooooooooooooooooooooooooh gimana yaaaa? tinggi ya ga sih? orang rata rata try out terahir gue aja cuma 8.15 -_- walah walah bisa ga ya gue? haha lotttttt of questionssss are swimming in my head...
yaaa sekarang tinggal nunggu nem keluar sama berdoa aja deh ya, semoga gue bisa masuk ke salah satu SMA Negri yang di atas hehehe wish me luck guyssss!!!!! :p

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bored :|

i'm so bored now!!!!!!!!!!
dont know what i feel
dont know what to do
just dreaming something
but maybe it's impossible thing

Love, elsberry :|

Sunday, June 7, 2009

i wanna be...

sometimes i wanna be Delilah and there's Samson who love me as well as he can,
i wanna be Geum Jan Di and everytime i get hurt or something bad happen to me Gu Jun Pyo always be there for me and love me although his mother hate me,
i wanna live in fairy tale because there's a happy endding on every story,
i wanna be Juliet because there's Romeo who willing to die for me,
i wanna be Bella Swan too because there's Edward who love me although we're from two different world.
but but but but buuut i prefer to be my self because i have my own story and anybody dosent have like mine :D
Love, elsberry :)